Kira Hooks is a Filipina-American singer/songwriter based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Growing up as a third-culture kid in the US, The Netherlands, Nigeria, Scotland, and China, she developed a multifaceted notion of home and belonging. She seeks to create a deep sense of community through music. Her music is a fluid blend of jazz, contemporary R&B, and folk. She is lyrically sober with harmonic choices that reflect a sense of romantic idealism. Her sonorous, warm voice and gentle acoustic guitar work create a living room atmosphere in any venue she performs in.


Upcoming Shows (Dec 2023-Jan 2024)

12/1/2023 - Amy Obenski and Kira Hooks at Wine Gallery, San Carlos, CA

12/3/2023 - Ren’s Winter Wonderland, City Lights Theater, San Jose, CA

12/7/2023 - Coco Home Presents: James Lanman (Sold Out!), Santa Clara, CA

12/9/2023 - Saturdays at Little Green A Plant Bar w/ Jeff Goodkind - Redwood City, CA - 10 AM-12 PM

12/10/2023 - Ren’s Winter Wonderland, City Lights Theater, San Jose, CA

12/16/2023 - Saturdays at Little Green A Plant Bar w/ Jeff Goodkind - Redwood City, CA - 10 AM-12 PM

1/13/2024 - Saturdays at Little Green A Plant Bar w/ Jeff Goodkind - Redwood City, CA - 10 AM-12 PM

1/20/2024 - Saturdays at Little Green A Plant Bar w/ Jeff Goodkind - Redwood City, CA - 10 AM-12 PM

1/27/2024 - Saturdays at Little Green A Plant Bar w/ Jeff Goodkind - Redwood City, CA - 10 AM-12 PM